Member resources & Offers
Save money running your business - members on our Tech Startup Academy™ Programmes have access to great offers and discounts with our partner companies!
Why not collaborate, or partner with us?
We partner with a select group of organisations that offer high quality products and services that support our community of tech startup founders and entrepreneurs in achieving their goals, and help them build solid businesses, increase efficiency and save time and money. Contact us, and we will be happy chat with you over email, or to arrange a video call to discuss collaboration and partnership opportunities.
Why not collaborate, or partner with us?
We partner with a select group of organisations that offer high quality products and services that support our community of tech startup founders and entrepreneurs in achieving their goals, and help them build solid businesses, increase efficiency and save time and money. Contact us, and we will be happy chat with you over email, or to arrange a video call to discuss collaboration and partnership opportunities.